Python API ---------- BugZoo provides a powerful set of Python bindings for its RESTlike API. The Python API is intended to be used as a library when building your own tools (e.g., for program repair, mutation testing, and test generation), or for simply when a better, well-structured means of interacting with historical software bugs is needed to conduct an empirical study. The REST bindings provided in the Python API expect to connect to a running BugZoo server. The BugZoo server can be launched from the command line using the :code:`bugzood` executable, as shown below. For more information about the options accepted by :code:`bugzood`, please consult :code:`bugzood --help`. .. code-block:: bash $ bugzood -p 8080 An *ephemeral server* may also be launched from the Python API via :meth:`bugzoo.server.ephemeral`, as shown below. The server will be closed (and its associated resources deallocated) upon the destruction of the context (i.e., after the :code:`with` statement). .. code-block:: python with bugzoo.server.ephemeral(port=8080) as client_bugzoo: # do cool things To learn more about connecting to and interacting a BugZoo server, please see the links below. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api/client api/bug api/container api/commands api/test api/patch api/coverage api/applications api/exceptions