Source code for bugzoo.cmd

from typing import Optional
import sys

import docker

__all__ = ['PendingExecResponse', 'ExecResponse']

class PendingExecResponse(object):
    def __init__(self, exec_response, output) -> None:
        self.__exec_response = exec_response
        self.__output = output

    def running(self) -> bool:
        client = docker.from_env()
        return client.api.exec_inspect(self.exec_response)['Running']

    def exec_response(self):
        return self.__exec_response

    def output(self):
        return self.__output

    def exit_code(self) -> Optional[int]:
        if self.running:
            return None
        client = docker.from_env()
        id = self.exec_response['Id']
        return client.api.exec_inspect(id)

[docs]class ExecResponse(object): """ Used to hold the response from a command execution. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: dict) -> 'ExecResponse': return ExecResponse(d['code'], d['duration'], d['output'])
def __init__(self, code: int, duration: float, output: str ) -> None: self.__code = code self.__duration = duration self.__output = output @property def code(self) -> int: """ The exit code of the execution. """ return self.__code @property def duration(self) -> float: """ The length of time taken to complete the execution. """ return self.__duration @property def output(self) -> str: """ The output of the execution. """ return self.__output
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: return {'code': self.code, 'duration': self.duration, 'output': self.output}