Source code for bugzoo.core.patch
from copy import copy
from typing import List, Iterator
# See following for details about unified diff format:
class HunkLine(object):
class InsertedLine(HunkLine):
def __init__(self, line: str) -> None:
Constructs a new InsertedLine instance.
line: The contents of the line that was inserted (with any
trailing line endings removed).
self.__line = line
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "+{}".format(self.__line)
class DeletedLine(HunkLine):
def __init__(self, line: str) -> None:
Constructs a new DeletedLine instance.
line: The contents of the line that was removed (with any
trailing line endings removed).
self.__line = line
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "-{}".format(self.__line)
class ContextLine(HunkLine):
def __init__(self, line: str) -> None:
Constructs a new ContextLine instance.
line: The contents of the line.
self.__line = line
def __str__(self) -> str:
return " {}".format(self.__line)
class Hunk(object):
def _read_next(cls, lines: List[str]) -> 'Hunk':
Constructs a hunk from a supplied fragment of a unified format diff.
header = lines[0]
assert header.startswith('@@ -')
# sometimes the first line can occur on the same line as the header.
# in that case, we inject a new line into the buffer
end_header_at = header.index(' @@')
bonus_line = header[end_header_at+3:]
if bonus_line != "":
lines.insert(1, bonus_line)
header = header[4:end_header_at]
left, _, right = header.partition(' +')
old_start_at = int(left.split(',')[0])
new_start_at = int(right.split(',')[0])
old_line_num = old_start_at
new_line_num = new_start_at
last_insertion_at = old_start_at
hunk_lines = [] # type: List[HunkLine]
while True:
# discarding the previous line ensures that we only consume lines
# from the line buffer that belong to the hunk
if not lines:
line = lines[0]
# inserted line
if line.startswith('+'):
new_line_num += 1
# deleted line
elif line.startswith('-'):
old_line_num += 1
# context line
elif line.startswith(' '):
new_line_num += 1
old_line_num += 1
# end of hunk
return Hunk(old_start_at, new_start_at, hunk_lines)
def __init__(self,
old_start_at: int,
new_start_at: int,
lines: List[HunkLine]
) -> None:
self.__old_start_at = old_start_at
self.__new_start_at = new_start_at
self.__lines = lines
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns the contents of this hunk as part of a unified format diff.
num_deleted = \
sum(1 for l in self.__lines if isinstance(l, DeletedLine))
num_inserted = \
sum(1 for l in self.__lines if isinstance(l, InsertedLine))
num_context = \
sum(1 for l in self.__lines if isinstance(l, ContextLine))
num_old_lines = num_context + num_deleted
num_new_lines = num_context + num_inserted
header = '@@ -{},{} +{},{} @@'.format(self.__old_start_at,
body = [str(line) for line in self.__lines]
return '\n'.join([header] + body)
class FilePatch(object):
Represents a set of changes to a single text-based file.
def _read_next(cls, lines: List[str]) -> 'FilePatch':
Destructively extracts the next file patch from the line buffer.
# keep munching lines until we hit one starting with '---'
while True:
if not lines:
raise Exception("illegal file patch format: couldn't find line starting with '---'")
line = lines[0]
if line.startswith('---'):
assert lines[0].startswith('---')
assert lines[1].startswith('+++')
old_fn = lines.pop(0)[4:].strip()
new_fn = lines.pop(0)[4:].strip()
hunks = []
while lines:
if not lines[0].startswith('@@'):
return FilePatch(old_fn, new_fn, hunks)
def __init__(self,
old_fn: str,
new_fn: str,
hunks: List[Hunk]
) -> None:
self.__old_fn = old_fn
self.__new_fn = new_fn
self.__hunks = hunks
def old_fn(self) -> str:
return self.__old_fn
def new_fn(self) -> str:
return self.__new_fn
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns a string encoding of this file patch in the unified diff
old_fn_line = '--- {}'.format(self.__old_fn)
new_fn_line = '+++ {}'.format(self.__new_fn)
lines = [old_fn_line, new_fn_line] + [str(h) for h in self.__hunks]
return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs]class Patch(object):
Represents a set of changes to one-or-more text-based files.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_unidiff(cls, diff: str) -> 'Patch':
Constructs a Patch from a provided unified format diff.
lines = diff.split('\n')
file_patches = []
while lines:
if lines[0] == '' or lines[0].isspace():
return Patch(file_patches)
def __init__(self, file_patches: List[FilePatch]) -> None:
self.__file_patches = file_patches[:]
def files(self) -> List[str]:
Returns a list of the names of the files that are changed by this patch.
return [fp.old_fn for fp in self.__file_patches]
def __str__(self) -> str:
Returns the contents of this patch as a unified format diff.
file_patches = [str(p) for p in self.__file_patches]
return '\n'.join(file_patches + [''])