Applying Patches

Patches can be applied to the source code for particular snapshots via the patch() method provided by client. Patches are represented by the Patch class and can be constructed by providing unified-format diffs to Patch.from_unidiff().

from bugzoo import Patch, Client

def example_patch_application(client: Client, container: Container) -> None:
  # first, we build a Patch object using a unified-format diff
  unidiff = """
  diff --git a/ArduCopter/control_auto.cpp b/ArduCopter/control_auto.cpp
  index 0798efc..8109d2a 100644
  --- a/ArduCopter/control_auto.cpp
  +++ b/ArduCopter/control_auto.cpp
  @@ -119,10 +119,6 @@ void Copter::auto_takeoff_start(const Location& dest_loc)
           alt_target = current_loc.alt + dest.alt;

  -    // sanity check target
  -    if (alt_target < current_loc.alt) {
  -        dest.set_alt_cm(current_loc.alt, Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_HOME);
  -    }
       // Note: if taking off from below home this could cause a climb to an unexpectedly high altitude
       if (alt_target < 100) {
           dest.set_alt_cm(100, Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_HOME);
  patch = Patch.from_unidiff(unidiff)

  # we then attempt to apply the patch to the source code
  client.containers.patch(container, patch)

  # finally, we rebuild the program inside the container

This ability to apply patches can be used to, for example, evaluate candidate repairs when performing automated program repair, or to apply source-code mutations when conducting mutation testing. In the case of the latter, client.containers.persist() can be used to persist the state of the mutated container as a Docker image.

API Reference

class Patch[source]

Represents a set of changes to one-or-more text-based files.

property files

Returns a list of the names of the files that are changed by this patch.

classmethod from_unidiff(diff: str)bugzoo.core.patch.Patch[source]

Constructs a Patch from a provided unified format diff.