source commands

The source commands are used to add, remove, and list sources that are known to BugZoo. Sources are used to represent remote Git repositories that are responsible for providing a particular dataset of bugs, or a tool that is compatible with the BugZoo platform.

source list

Produces a pretty-printed list of all sources registered with BugZoo.

$ bugzoo source list

Source                                      Version
------------------------------------------  ---------      597b917f  0c5d9255

The -q flag can be used to disable pretty printing, allowing the output to be piped to other commands.

$ bugzoo source list -q

source add {url}

Registers a source, given by the URL of a remote Git repository, with the local machine. The dataset of artefacts or the tool associated with the source will be registered with the machine, allowing it to be installed and executed.

$ bugzoo source add
added source:

source remove {url}

Deregisters a source, given by the URL of its remote Git repository, with the local machine. After executing this command, the dataset of bugs or the tool associated with the source will be uninstalled and delisted.

$ bugzoo source remove
removed source:

source update

This command can be used to update the files used to specify and construct the the bugs or tool, provided by their associated sources, as shown below. Note that this command does not attempt to install/rebuild the bugs or tool associated with each source – it is the user’s responsibility to call tool install or bug install where appropriate.

$ bugzoo source update
updating sources...